This is a brief outline of our attendance and absence procedures. If you have any queries or require further information regarding attendance/absence please email the Attendance Officer.
Attendance Procedures
Registers are legal documents and we are required to record students’ absences as either authorised or unauthorised.
All students are required to register as present or absent with their form tutor at 09:00. Registers are also taken by teachers during each lesson.
If a student does not register or sign in late, and a reason for their absence has not been provided, then they will be recorded as being absent without authorisation and an explanation for this absence will be sought. We may contact parents/carers of any student who is absent without our knowledge.
Late Arrivals / signing in and out in a school day
Students must sign in and out with the Attendance Officer at Reception if they need to be out of school for any reason between 09:00 and 15:35.
It is essential that all students sign in at Reception if they arrive at school after morning registration has closed (09:00) or if they were unable to register with their form tutor.
Absence Procedures
absence through sickness
Please may we remind parents/carers to inform the school as soon as possible of their child’s absence by any of the following methods:
- Telephone 0161 980 2711 option 1
- Email the Attendance Officer
Absences should be reported by 08:30am each and every day of absence.
When students return to school following a broken bone or other serious injury, an update should be sent to the Attendance Officer for record purposes and to arrange any necessary assistance.
Medical and Dental appointments
If a student has a pre-arranged medical or dental appointment, a copy of the appointment letter/card must be provided to the Attendance Officer before the day of the appointment. This enables us to mark the student’s register accordingly.
We would appreciate it if you could provide as much notice as possible.
Copies of appointment letters /cards should be handed to the Attendance Officer or emailed to
Where possible, medical appointments should be made after school or for as late in the afternoon as possible, to minimise any disruption to your son's lessons.
On the day of the appointment students should sign in and out of school with the Attendance Officer at the School Office.
Leave of absence
Any requests for a leave of absence other than for a medical appointment must be requested on a leave of absence form. This can be downloaded below or a paper copy can be obtained from the School Office.
This form needs to be completed in full with as much information as possible and providing sufficient notice of the absence. At least four weeks notice is required prior to any known extended leave of absence.
Any request to attend an activity from an outside organisation e.g a football club, needs to have the official paperwork attached.
The form should be returned to the Attendance Officer or emailed to
The Principal will review each individual request and parents will be promptly informed of the school’s decision.
Please note that holidays during term time are not permitted except in exceptional circumstances. Any unauthorised absences for 4 days and above will be subject to a Penalty Notice being issued.
You should also be aware that school is not obliged to set or mark work for students on holiday.