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Careers Education Information, Advice & Guidance (CEIAG)


In the current economic climate, it is important that our students are given the best possible chance to find information on the education and training available to them post-16, and the careers pathways beyond education.

Saint Ambrose College has a rich and varied careers programme which includes: access to a dedicated Careers Adviser; drop-in Careers Clinic sessions with the Careers Advisor; visits from industry experts; a monthly lunchtime Careers Cafe; faculty led careers events; an annual Careers Conference with over 50 industry and apprenticeship contributors; careers assemblies; department trips; university visits;  and mock interview practice.

We offer all our Year 10 and Year 12 students a 1-2-1 careers appointment with a qualified Careers Advisor, as standard. Additional appointments are available on request.  Extra provision is also made for pupil premium and SEND students.

For further information and for our full offer, please see the Careers Programme below.

leavers destinations

We work proactively to support our leavers’ in their progression onto further education, training and employment.  Data captured in September 2024 of the activity of our 2024 sixth form leavers, indicate that 88% have continued in higher education, the majority to Russell Group Universities, 5% progressed onto Apprenticeship programmes and 6% of leavers took a year off to work, travel, and continue to assess their options. 

careers information for students

We have a full and structured careers programme which is reviewed annually.  The programme is designed to help guide you in your career choices and future pathways throughout your time and St Ambrose and beyond. You will see a qualified careers adviser in Year 10 and Year 12 and can request additional appointments if you feel you would benefit from one. There is a wealth of information in the tabs on the right-hand side for you to browse and familiarise yourself with. If you like more information, please contact the Careers team below.

careers information for parents

Most of what you will need to know about your son’s career’s journey at St Ambrose can be found in the careers programme, linked below, or the information tabs on the right-hand side. If there is anything you would like more information about, please contact the Careers team below.

Additionally, we rely on the kind involvement of our parent community to run successful events such as the careers cafes and annual convention and always welcome our parents to come into college and talk about their careers. If you would like to take part, please email

careers information for teachers

Please see the Labour market Information link opposite for information on how you can link careers to curriculum learning.  The section includes up to date LMI and practical tips on how to use it in lessons.

For hundreds of short videos linking your subject area to careers you may find useful. You can search by subject area, allowing you to see the career options available to students studying a certain subject.

If a student in your form requires a work experience form, you can direct them to the download section opposite.

There is a teacher feedback form in the feedback link opposite to be used when directed, or when you have any feedback for the careers team.

careers information for employers

St Ambrose College recognises the value that employers can provide to young people’s education and as such welcomes offers of support and involvement from employers across all industries.  St Ambrose hosts several Careers events throughout the academic year where employers, training providers and representatives from Further and Higher Education are welcome to get involved.  Please contact if your organisation would like to engage with the CEIAG at St Ambrose College.

careers information for alternative providers

St Ambrose College recognise the importance of providing our students with the full range of options available to them, along with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their further and higher education. There are a range of events throughout the year that you can apply to be involved in, further details can be found in the careers events tab opposite. Our full provider access policy is available below.

work experience

Students in Year 12 are expected to undertake a week of work experience towards the end of the Trinity Term. It usually takes places during Activities Week in June/July. Students are encouraged to source their own placement as we feel this ensures that the placement they choose is of interest to them, and therefore will be more enjoyable. 

Springpod is a useful website which aims to connect young people to a wide range of companies. Please visit for further information.

careers events

Please find below a list of school careers events that will be taking place at St Ambrose over the coming year.   In addition individual subject areas will organise trips and visits and invite industry speakers into their classrooms.


Event When is the event taking place? Who is the event aimed at? Welcome to attend
Careers Cafe's

1st Friday of each month

1pm - 1.35pm

All students are welcome to this lunchtime drop in

Industry speakers/Businesses.

If you are interested in talking about your career or business in this forum, please contact Mr Gunning.
Careers and Future Pathways Day Friday 28.02.2025 All students  Industry speakers/local businesses/FE and HE education providers/apprenticeship providers. If you are interested in attending our careers day, please contact Mr Gunning.
1-2-1 Careers Appointments As requested All students can access our careers advisor by request.   
Careers Clinic Every Thursday lunchtime in a designated area All students are welcome to drop in and speak to our careers advisor  
Careers Assemblies 1 per year group per year Each year group will receive a full year assembly with a specific industry speaker

Industry speakers/Businesses.

If you are interested in talking about your career or business in this forum, please contact Mr Gunning.

6th Form Careers Speakers Throughout the year All sixth form students

Industry speakers/Businesses.

If you are interested in talking about your career or business in this forum, please contact Mr Gunning.

NCS Assemblies Michaelmas Term Year 11 and Year 12 students National Citizenship Service

Baker Clause policy statement 

Please see the attached document.

Contact the careers team

We have a team of staff dedicated to the fulfilment of our careers programme:

Careers team Role Contact details
Mr Gunning Careers Lead

Mrs Grainger Administrator
Mrs Lisa Hutchinson Careers Advisor (MPloy)