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The Catering Team at ST AMBROSE COLLEGE is always striving to provide nutritious, high quality food for our students.

We operate a three-week menu cycle offering a wide range of popular, healthy food items ranging from salads, sandwiches pasta and wraps to traditional roast dinners.

Students can access food from the Main Servery, the Food-to-Go hatch and the All-Day Café before, during and after-school.  There are also 'daily specials' and regular themed events to add variety to our menus. 

All meals are all served in the Central Atrium on the ground floor.

Payment for food

Payment for food is made using our cashless catering system. 

To minimise the cash brought to school we advise parents to top up their sons catering balance via Parent Pay or it is possible for cash to be added to cards using the on-site reval machines. 

Menus and price lists

Sample menu:





Free school meals

Free School Meal students receive a daily credit of £2.80 on their cashless catering account.  This allows them sufficient credit to purchase meals and snacks up to this value at either break or lunchtime.    As it is possible that your child will spend over their £2.80 free school meal allowance, we strongly advise that you make a payment into your child’s cashless catering account to cover any overspend.  At the end of each day, if any of the £2.80 free school meal allowance has not been spent the remainder of that allowance will be removed from the cashless catering account, your child is not entitled to carry over any underspend to the following day.

Click to find out more information about Free School Meals.



We want to assure parents/carers that we take food allergies seriously at St Ambrose College and we are committed to ensuring that our catering operations provide as much allergen information as possible to staff, students and their parents/carers.

No Nuts

As part of our commitment to protecting students and staff on site we operate a strict No Nuts Policy

We would seek the cooperation of all parents/carers to ensure that their son(s) do not bring items containing nuts into school, this includes when travelling to and from the College on school buses.  

Our catering department provides a wide range of foods in the various outlets.  The department maintains a detailed book, which contains allergen information for all items which are sold on-site.  If a boy is concerned about the content of the items being served he should ask a member of the catering staff who will check this file.  For items which are ‘bought in’ from other suppliers we have a shorter list at the till points that boys with allergies may check before they make a purchase. This list is regularly updated.

Allergens list HERE

A copy is also stored in the student shared area in a catering folder.

We would ask that parents/carers make sure that allergy information is kept up to date.  If your son has an allergy or develops an allergy, please make sure they check the allergen list above to confirm which foods are safe for them to eat. 



Please contact the School Office if there are any changes to your son's allergies/dietary needs.