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Pupil Premium

What is pupil premium

The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011.  Schools can make decisions about how to spend the Pupil Premium funding to ensure that there is a narrowing of the attainment gap.

Who is eligible for pupil premium funding

The Pupil Premium provides funding for :

  • students who qualify for free school meals, or have done at any time in the past six years
  • students who have a parent serving in the armed forces
  • students who are in the care of, or provided with accommodation by an English local authority (LA) (looked after children LAC)
  • students who were looked after by an English or Welsh local authority before being adopted, or who left care on a special guardianship order or child arrangements order (Post LAC)
How do I apply for Pupil Premium funding?

Applying for Pupil Premium funding is simple.  Fill out the Free School Meals application form and return it to the school’s Finance Office via Reception.  We submit the form to your local authority who check your eligibility. This is usually done within a week. We will then contact you to tell you whether your application has been successful or not.


Who should I contact if I would like more information?

Please contact our Pupil Premium Coordinator who oversees the school’s PP strategy using email

How do we use Pupil Premium funds?

Schools are required to publish key information on-line, including the publication of the amount of Pupil Premium funding it received, what it has been spent on and the impact that it has had on attainment.  Please read the spending strategy and pupil premium statements attached below.